Lewy Body Roller Coaster

Derek returns almost a year later to share thoughts on moving , hallucinations and tips for the caregiver of someone with LBD

November 02, 2021 Season 2 Episode 41

Welcome back Derek one of Curry's good Lewy Buddies who was on one of our first episodes a year ago. We wanted to bring a few first quests back to share how they are a year later as a way to let people with LBD know as Curry always says..."there's still a lot of good life left after a LBD diagnosis". Curry and Derek share about their hallucinations, thoughts to help anyone with LBD move as well as other great tips for caregivers. 

A shout out to all of our supporters! We couldn't do this without all of ya'll. xo
Welcome some of our newest supporters:
Judy Pressley, Jane Wakerman, Toby Gorelick, James May, Julie Salamone and Paul and Debbie Lannon

Should you wish to bless us with your support you can  use links below.

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We have listed all present and past Patreon and Go Fund Me supporters in the Announcements page of the Our Journey with Lewy Body Dementia and our Lewy Body Roller Coaster Podcast Pages.

We will still  give shout outs each week but, we posted supporters under Announcements on our Facebook pages.

Thank you for listening each week.
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If you have a topic you would like us to discuss or wish to share your thoughts on any episode, please email us at lewybodyrollercoaster@gmail.com 

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