Lewy Body Roller Coaster
Welcome to our podcast about living on the Lewy Body Dementia roller coaster- a podcast for Lewy Body Dementia patients and their families presented by Lewy Body patients and their families.You will hear firsthand, the ups and downs and twists and turns of Lewy Body Dementia from families directly affected as we will share our support and experiences on all things Lewy Body.lewybodyrollercoaster@gmail.com
Podcasting since 2020 • 142 episodes
Lewy Body Roller Coaster
Latest Episodes
Hospice 101- Part Three
Welcome Vangie Jones, a hospice nurse for 20 years as she shares with us all we need to know about hospice including the myth that it is only for the final days or weeks. This will be a three part recording since we had so many questions for Va...
Season 3
Episode 40

Hospice 101- Part Two
A tough topic but one we all need to know about sooner than later. Welcome Vangie Jones, a hospice nurse for 20 years as she shares with us all we need to know about hospice including the myth that it is only for the final days or week...
Season 3
Episode 37

Hospice 101 - Part One
A tough topic but one we all need to know about sooner than later. Welcome Vangie Jones, a hospice nurse for 20 years as she shares with us all we need to know about hospice including the myth that it is only for the final days or week...
Season 3
Episode 36

Welcome to 2025!
A shout out to all of our supporters! We couldn't do this without all of ya'll. xoShould you wish to bless us with your support you can use links below.Copy and paste link, if needed

Part 3 Information About the Syn-one Skin Test
Welcome back for part three of our interview with Dr. Todd Levine from CND LifeSciences to share with us all information about the new syn-one skin test that can help in diagnosing LBD.Our good friend Wendy Cogan joined us to help ask t...
Season 3
Episode 26