Lewy Body Roller Coaster
Lewy Body Roller Coaster
Welcome Back After Our Summer Break
Welcome back!
Curry shares how his summer went with his LBD causing a few hospital stays. He also shares some important information about Hospice and Narcan Nasal Spray.
Four years ago we uploaded and published our first episode. It is just crazy that this will be our 138the episode and we are over 60K downloads so thank you all for your continued support and patience. Lewy sure has been a bugger to Curry this summer.
Thank you all for your continued support and patience with us as we try really hard to get a new podcast done- hoping we get one a week but as you all know, Lewy and life sometimes get in the way. We know you all understand and support us anyway and for that we thank you!!! xoxo
Remember...We are doing this for all of us and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
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welcome back podcast family.
Speaker 1:Yeah, welcome back y'all just another quick shout out to everyone for your continued patience and support yeah, we want to to thank you all for being so patient and supportive as we get these things off like we're trying to. We enjoyed you all letting us take the summer off, but now we're going to get back to it just like we were before. We just enjoyed the summer break.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's been nice that we knew we needed to just take that break, kind of like teachers need to take breaks. So we appreciate everyone. If you've been following along, you know that it's a good thing we didn't have to work the summer because Curry's going to just share about what happened during the summer.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah.
Speaker 2:So again, as we always try to remember to say that before we start today's episode, we want to remind all of our listeners that it's important to us that you all and the medical community cares from those affected with this disease. That's why we make this. Hopefully doctors are listening or you're sharing so they can hear it from the person with Louie. Please feel free to share with your doctor. Tell them about the podcast. I mean, you just put Louie Body Roller Coaster. The podcast comes right up in Google. It's the first thing and we all know it's important for them to listen to people who are not in a doctor's office and super show timing. So anyway, if you can share, that would be awesome.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and also I want to remind you all that if you want to be a guest on the show and share your story in hopes of helping others, just contact Linda Zappula or myself through Facebook Messenger or through our email, which is louiebodyrollercoaster at gmailcom. We'd love to have you at gmailcom. We'd love to have you on the show.
Speaker 2:Yep, and now that we're back in full swing, just a reminder for those of you that are Patreon and GoFundMe supporters we really appreciate it and we don't use any of that money for us Just to help maintain the podcast. And even though we don't record during the summer, there's still monies we have to put out to stay active on the BuzzFeed Sprout and we try to help people with Lewy Body who need help, and we're also now gearing up for this big event, so we'll talk about that in a couple minutes. So thank you all for supporting us.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and as a reminder, folks, I want to tell you all, or remind you all, that we're not giving out medical advice. We're just sharing our open and honest feelings and thoughts as we live with Lewy Body Dementia Also. Folks, like I always do, I want to give a few shout-outs to a couple of supporters, and the first one is Lori Burdue-Krigg and Anne-Marie and James Hoogie and all the others that have helped us along the way. Y'all make this thing what it is.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, and I think we hit 60 000 downloads recently, um and 100, we've recorded 134 episodes, which is, that's a big number wow, yeah, I didn't realize you've been that many yeah, well, we started in september of 2020.
Speaker 2:Like it, our first podcast went live the same week that Robin's Wish was out, which we didn't even know that that was happening. So this, technically, is our fourth season, so to speak, of recording the podcast. So we're going to keep chugging along, as you know, the best we can, um, but anyway folks, it's just me and linda this week, so let's, let's get this thing started.
Speaker 1:Uh, we call these things our fireside chats when it's just the two of us.
Speaker 2:I think I already started. Is that why you were looking at me, giving me that look, yeah, like what are you doing anyway? So, my friend, how was your summer? Any visits to get free food anywhere?
Speaker 1:uh, I mean, I tell you, I've had people send me boxes of zero candy bars, which are my favorite candy bars.
Speaker 1:I had them send me a whole bunch of Reese's Butter Cups, which are my favorite peanut butter cups, as you know, because I ate yours. If you left here, that's right. But yeah, it's been a very eventful summer for me. I started the summer off. I started the summer off.
Speaker 1:I was walking from our living room going to the restroom and I had to walk through the bedroom and I was using my big walker, my stand-up walker, and as I got into the other bedroom, I took a few steps and I just for some reason started falling backwards and ended up back here in the living room floor. And thank God Linda had moved the cedar chest that was sitting there, or else I would have hit my head on it, but they couldn't get me up off the floor. Jesse and Linda and Randy, they all tried, so they had to call an ambulance. Well, the ambulance took me to the hospital and I was in. They all tried, so they had to call an ambulance. Well, the ambulance took me to the hospital and I was in there for three days with them running tests on me and stuff like that, but they never could really find anything wrong, and so that was one time, and then, more recently, I was taking Valium to calm me down with my what's the word Linda.
Speaker 2:What to take.
Speaker 1:An evalium for your anxiety, anxiety, yep, yep, yep For my anxieties and I was taking it, and then I was also taking another med. I can't remember the name of it, but anyway, I went out on the porch one morning about 3 o'clock with the dogs and I don't remember any part of this. I'm going on what our friend told me. She finally noticed I was gone and went out on the porch to check on me and I was all slumped over in my jazzy chair. She couldn't get me awake so she got the jazzy turned around and back inside and of course this was early in the morning so it was too early to call anyone to come help her get me in bed. She just sat there holding me up until time came for her to call Jesse and Randy and them to come get me up, and I don't remember any of that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, because we thank you first of all. Thank you First of all. It doesn't matter what time of the morning. I totally get why you wouldn't want to wake your children, but I'm sure you've already been scolded by them more than once. Yeah Listen, linda needs to call because that's you're like twice her size, you know, for her to hold you up.
Speaker 1:Basically what happened was the drugs mixed each other and interacted with each other, and you were kind of yeah, you were kind of not that.
Speaker 2:I know what stone feels like, because I've you know. I've never done that, but it was, you were not coherent.
Speaker 1:I wasn't responsive or nothing, yeah, and then just a little bit here, recently they took me off the valium and put me on another med and the same thing happened again, but this time the hospice nurse was here, and I don't remember any of this either, I'm going off what they told me but the hospice nurse was here and the hospice aide was here. But the hospice nurse was here and the hospice aide was here, and they ended up having to give me Narcan to get me because I was overdosing.
Speaker 2:Well, the mixing of the two right.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:And then that just happened again last week.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, you've had to run for it this summer.
Speaker 1:I had to run, you know.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but I'm glad you mentioned Narcan because we talked about this in our Zoom meeting. When I was going to get Jim's medicine one day when we were in New Orleans area, the pharmacist said you know, we need to come over and she's like do you have Narcan at your house? Just because I guess she knew the medicines, what they were for treating somebody with Lewy body, and she said I'm sending home with Narcan, so you just have to ask for it and I mean you can. Somebody looked it up, you can order it on Amazon. You can even get it like that food delivery. I don't remember food delivery people. You know what I mean. Like that, I don't know. I don't remember food delivery people. You know what I mean. Yeah, like that, I don't know, I don't do it, so I don't know the name of it. But just, I hope you for everybody who has Lewy body.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you need to have Narcan in your house and it's literally just a spray. You stick up your nose and squirt it like you're squirting that stuff when you have stuffy nose.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Kind of like I have now, and what it does is like it's like I'm on pain pills but, it takes the pain pills affects the way it takes. It just takes everything away, you know, and brings you to. Yeah, everyone should have some of that, yes, on hand, just in case I think it's n-A-R-C-A-N, right I? Think so.
Speaker 2:I'm looking it up while we're talking. Yes, narcan nasal spray. Yeah, so when you go to get the next round of meds those of you listening if you're a caregiver or with Louie talk to the pharmacist and they're going to give it to him. Now, I know there may be a fee, but I didn't have to pay anything. So I think it's. You know, depending on the medicine you take, I can imagine you can ask for it for free, but when you do, you remember them doing it, sticking up your nose and doing it.
Speaker 1:I don't remember any of it.
Speaker 2:Do you remember coming out?
Speaker 1:it, sticking up your nose and doing it.
Speaker 2:I don't remember anything. Do you remember coming out of it?
Speaker 1:Nope.
Speaker 2:Oh, so you kind of had to sleep it off.
Speaker 1:I did yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And see that happened just again last Tuesday, but they chose not to give me Narcan because she said she could tell I was coming out of it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but what did you just start? Yeah, what did you just start? What medicine did you just start? Uh, that's the one that. Yeah, whatever it was, you told us in the zoom you were going to take, like one oh yeah one milligram or something for anxiety anxiety. Xanax. Hey, linda, linda made it on the podcast.
Speaker 1:She's real yeah she's in there cooking dinner.
Speaker 2:She's real.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it was Xanax, I just started.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but you told us you were taking like one, like the one milligram, and we were like what? You don't start that high.
Speaker 1:You prescribed me one milligram. And so what we did? We, instead of taking, and you supposed to take it twice a day, but instead in the morning I was taking half of one and then at night I would take a full one. Well, they told me I was okay since nothing had happened. So now I take a full one in the morning and a half one at night.
Speaker 2:Does it knock you out? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:I don't sleep real quick, I just don't stay asleep.
Speaker 2:Okay, what about if you took like a quarter of a pill?
Speaker 1:Well, that's a small. It'd be hard to get a quarter.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so last week, earlier in the week, you had because today is saturday, we're recording on a saturday, um so earlier in the week you took the one and it it tuesday yeah, and then my morphine, and they clashed and put me out again. Okay, so now you're. Do you not take the morphine?
Speaker 1:I take the morphine at bedtime.
Speaker 2:Okay, and the Xanax still.
Speaker 1:And the Xanax.
Speaker 2:Okay, I'm surprised that they're letting you do that, at least a full dose. You know it's going to knock you out. I mean, if it's going to interact with I can see you wanting to take going to knock you out, I mean if it's going to interact with.
Speaker 2:I can see you wanting to take it to knock you out. But how long do you sleep when it knocks you out? About an hour and a half, that's it. That's it. And then when you wake up, are you? I'm up for about an hour, hour and a half, yeah, but are you? Do you know that you're waking up?
Speaker 1:No, or you're groggy. No, I'm groggy, but I do wake up and do just fine.
Speaker 2:You just stay in your chair and then ride it out.
Speaker 1:Take the dogs out a couple cigarettes. But here lately I've been getting up like at 3.30 in the and staying up, not going, not being able to go back to sleep.
Speaker 2:I bet you, if you go on Facebook and be like, hey, it's 3, 30, I'm up, you're gonna have a lot of friends on there. Well, all right, our Europe friends are definitely up. But no, but because there's I, I think we you talked about this one of the Zooms and somebody said, yeah, I was up, and then I went and said I was up. So I'm like, if you post, there's people out there that can't sleep like you.
Speaker 1:Eddie Massey is normally up.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, see, I don't, Jim really didn't. Once he went to sleep he didn't really wake up to go to the bathroom and all.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Because he had that prostate, got to go all the time, issue Right, but he didn't wake up like you. But you are the Energizer bunny, my friend. You were down three times since June. You just amaze me, you amaze me. So we wanted the first episode of the fourth season technically, if we're going by the month that we started just to be a catch-up on how Curry's been doing, although before we recorded he did catch his golf cart on fire. Yeah, doggone it. You were probably like hitting the pedal to the metal on the floor.
Speaker 1:Yeah, is that what you were doing had two new tires stuck on it the other day and we took it for a spin today and, dadgummit, if it didn't catch fire, it got an electrical short on it. Someone else will figure it out.
Speaker 2:All right, so it was an electrical short, not you and your popping wheelies and a golf cart.
Speaker 1:No, it was electrical short.
Speaker 2:That's the story you're sticking with, sir.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it burned the parts that I just put in it too. I just put a new board in it and it burned that board up.
Speaker 2:Well, at least you have your jazzy as a backup. Exactly, yeah, did you get a new jazzy? No, no, you're not getting a new one.
Speaker 1:No, we put money in that one. I can't get a new. I can't get one while I'm on hospice. If I went off hospice they would give me one, but I can't see going off hospice just to get a new jasmine.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:As long as this one's working now.
Speaker 2:I mean it's great that you and Linda have all this help with hospice. That's why, if you're listening for the first time, please go back and find the episode. There's a three-part episode on hospice, and it's not just for when you're the last week of dying because you've been on hospice. For how long?
Speaker 1:I've been on there about six months now.
Speaker 2:Right, right, it's just to give you more help. Yeah, palliative care, it's just to give you more help.
Speaker 2:Yeah, like palliative care is to try to get you stronger and like if you're coming home from rehab and those type of things. But for people with Lewy body you're eligible for hospice and I just you know, I guess because Jim stayed home with me and like you're home and pretty much everybody, almost everybody. There's a couple people in our Zoom groups whose spouse is in a facility, but my brother just told me that my mom now has dementia. Doesn't know anybody. She's in a facility where she's diabetic and they don't give special meals for diabetics. I'm like, first of all, that's doesn't seem legal or right and um, and she doesn't. It's an assisted living. You know, we've been paying extra to get her more services and they'll say, oh, she didn't get out of bed for breakfast, you know, so she skips breakfast and they do her blood sugar and it's like 60 kind of thing.
Speaker 2:But um, donna, london, his husband paul had louis um told me her mom is in an assisted living and when you get to the point like my mother is, where she doesn't know anybody, they're not going to be able to get her, make her better, that she's eligible for hospice in a facility. And I guess I was like, really your mom's like I'm just sharing with everyone, you know, if you have somebody that's in an assisted living, check into it. I'll report back, because I relayed this to my brother who does her medical but apparently the place is shorthanded. So I'm like you can't just, oh, she doesn't want to get out of bed. I'm like you can't just, oh, she doesn't want to get out of bed. I'm like leave the tray there and when she gets hungry she's going to go, you know, and get the food. So yeah, it's just, that's been a lot, because my brother has the power of medical, you know, the medical power of attorney.
Speaker 1:I tell you, the hospice nurse asked me the other day. They were well, it wasn't the nurse, it was the caseworker. I have the caseworker. He comes by, preacher comes by, the nurse comes by and the aide comes by. And anyway, we were talking about it the other day and I gave her a bunch of new booklets and and he said, well, how many people in your group are in hospice? And I said maybe one or two, that's about it. She was shocked, right. She said you're kidding me. She said they should all be on hospice. Yep, yeah, I agree. I mean this hospice that I'm hooked up with Hometown Hospice they have just gone aboard above and beyond.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but say you, even though we did that three-part thing on hospice and we're trying to destigmatize the word hospice, because people, when I told my brother that my mom's eligible, he's like, oh, I thought hospice was only when it's to the end. I'm like that's everybody thinks that and it's not true. So yeah, I mean it's just, if you're listening and you have Lewy body or you're a caregiver, you're a caregiver. Curry's wife, linda, would never get on. I'm going to talk for her. I'm going to talk about her meaning that you have all this help now and it's helping her with other people helping you. It gives her because you're twice her size oh yeah and it's just, I've seen how you talk about.
Speaker 2:You just said everybody that's coming in and giving you help. And it's just, I've seen how you talk about. You just said everybody that's coming in and giving you help, and it's yeah just reach out.
Speaker 1:They've been just really good to us, I guarantee you yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and just make sure it's not a, because I am thankful that Jim's and my family's experience with hospice is abnormal. But when we interviewed Angie the three-part hospice we did I think that was back in July, august of 2022, she said go with a smaller private hospice instead of like I did, because we literally finished that podcast the three-part podcast one day and I had somebody come in and interview the next day and say we didn't need hospice, yet I was trying to get my name in the system and then the next day we needed them hospice, yet I was trying to get my name in the system and then the next day we needed them and they were a company that has a base in many states. The big ones like that it's too big. You can't be personalized and you clearly have one. That's not that. You know what I mean.
Speaker 2:So if I gave any advice, it would be. If I had more time, I probably would have practiced what I preached, but it just happened so fast with Jim and then you all know, if you've been listening, like the last day and a half of his life, we got a new hospice and the people you just said were coming in and my kids were like what's going on? I'm like this is what it was supposed to be the last five days. Yeah, but you just think hospice is for when you're home. I'll report back about getting hospice to go in for my mom, because they don't even test her blood sugar Really and she's diabetic.
Speaker 1:Well, the fact that they don't have test her blood sugar, really, and she's diabetic.
Speaker 2:Well, the fact that they don't have a special meal plan for diabetics- yeah. I told my brother, I'll tell you what the time.
Speaker 1:I fell and they took me by ambulance to the hospital. I saw my doctor and we were leaving there and she's the one that said you don't need me, you need a hospice, because I was falling all the time. You know, and it's been, I've got nothing but praise to give to this hometown hospice Wonderful.
Speaker 2:Just the name makes you feel good Hometown. I don't remember, was it before we recorded the last in June that you were. You banged up your knee. Or is that a separate fall?
Speaker 1:No, that was the fall.
Speaker 2:Yeah, okay, yeah, so you've been. You've been through it the last couple months.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And here you are kicking back. He's making me record at 8 o'clock at night, but I'm hoping as happens most episodes, when we're done recording, that you crash. Yeah, so I'm hoping you sleep all night.
Speaker 1:I probably will. It's been an eventful day.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so Narcan, everyone ask your pharmacist for, and look into hospice and don't call it something else. If you want Like they need to call it something else, Like hospice can still be the last couple days, but there needs to be, like I don't know, pre-hospice or something. Yeah, I mean, look at you, You're on hospice and here you are recording a podcast.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, but I do have days. I have days when there's no way I could do this, you know, yeah, but I always seem to bounce back.
Speaker 2:Yeah, which is amazing, yeah, so the last thing we're going to talk about is so today is September 7th, 2024. I didn't think about that. 2024. I didn't think about that. And in one week, about 50 people are going to be going to a little old town called Caney, kansas, to meet up. It's our first annual I think ever anywhere meetup of Lewy body patients and their caregivers, so it's going to be pretty exciting. I know you're excited about it.
Speaker 1:I'm really looking forward to it. I really am.
Speaker 2:Because your daughter, lorraine, and I and Becca are organizing all the food and all the other things that are going to go with it to make it like an amazing day for everybody. And they they said how excited you are.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I really am, I'm, I'm really looking forward to the next charity.
Speaker 2:Now you're going to take your board next Friday.
Speaker 1:There's a lot of people are going to be in on Friday.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, and I, me and seven other people that are coming rent it a place in Bartlesboro. Bartlesboro. Oh, I don't like that place, do I?
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's Coffeeville. You didn't like.
Speaker 2:Oh, okay, you saw me. I was like a little panicked. I'm not going to Coffeeville maybe that's where. So I rented this ranch when you have seven or eight people chipping in. Most of us are coming in Thursday, also A couple people on Friday. You can't get tired out. On Friday, though, I'm going to call Linda and say don't let them get tired out, because you need to save all your energy. Hopefully you'll be able to sleep the night before.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Because I found Jim, like when we flew the last time we flew, like we were in separate rooms, I didn't realize he pretty much was up all night because he was thinking about getting ready to fly. Yeah, it's going to be pretty powerful out five hours or so, yeah 11 to 7.
Speaker 2:Well, mr, we're not going until 7. We're going to say 4-ish, 5-ish, because people are going to get hungry and want dinner. People are going to get tired. Yeah, they're going to be tired and we're going to have lunch for them. But just, I imagine people and you can't go nine hours. That's just a lot for you. I think it'll organically just kind of people are going to need to go lay down and if you know, I think so too yeah, and if they want to come back to the ranch or I feel I feel like I'm rich come back to my ranch.
Speaker 2:The one that I wanted to rent was three times the price is the one. I rent it and had a pool and and I was like I don't think we should all be chipping in for that money. But yeah, it's going to be pretty exciting. A lot of people I mean I want to say 70% of the people are people that come to our Zoom all the time, and then the other 30 are people that are on our journey page. So we hope. Oh, you know what I found for you my selfie stick, because Curry wants to. You know, he's like we need to be live. I'm like I can't be live the whole time because you'll just hear noise and it'll drive me nuts, but every now and then you said you want to be like go live and say hey.
Speaker 1:Go Facebook live, yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, just go live for a few minutes. So last night before I fell asleep I was like I have a selfie stick somewhere Because that would be great for you. You know what I mean? Yeah, and you can just hold it out.
Speaker 1:I didn't even think about that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, so every now and then you can, you know, and we're going to do, um, they film. People try really hard to get the, the cameraman, to come out and help with filming, like I'm going to do, like many interviews with people while we're there, which we'll put on facebook and or use uh for for the podcast. And curry wants to record a not a live.
Speaker 2:we can't do a live podcast because I don't know how to do a live podcast. But to record a podcast I don't know. We'll got to figure out how. If we can go to a separate room, maybe I don't know Because everybody would have to be quiet and I just think it's going to be a lot of happy tears when, because you know how it was.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah.
Speaker 2:I just watched a video of Jim running up to give you a hug and you're like what do you know? How are you? And he's like I'm you know. He finally said you were like how are you doing? He's like I'm great now that I'm here giving you a hug, basically yeah, yeah, so that was pretty amazing. So next time we record, we'll talk about the whole experience that we had with Candy Kansas, and we do have two cameras, so we're going to hope to record.
Speaker 1:You know what I think is neat? We've got some widows who have lost their husbands to Louie and who have stayed in our journey group and the roller coaster group who are coming to the meet. I think that's just neater than ever.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and you know Carla's coming right. Carla is in the documentary which you haven't been able to hug yet. So, yeah, and I was just talking to Dory, who's running the Saturday Spouses Support Group now, which she does every other week it's just spouses and the other week it's any caregiver spouses and if you take care of your father or your mother or your cousin or anybody. So we've added that to the Saturday mix-up and she always posts something in the morning, which one? It is that quick, did you see me? I just went whoosh, whoosh. Oh, okay, I got it, catching it, I caught it and threw it back into my head, right? She said there are widows that go back there and share every now and then, not every week, but every now and then, because it's just. You know, we're the other side of it right now.
Speaker 2:Yeah, side of it right now and there are people who, so we do the spouse's widow Zoom on Tuesdays. There's six of us now six or seven, and there are some that just once their spouse passed, they just took themselves out of everything Louis body, which I totally can understand. And then there's some that stay in and continue to help everybody on the journey, like grabbing somebody's hand and walking them along the way, because I think that's what people need to do with this disease, because we all know that the people on our Zoom are smarter than the average bear.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:They're living it, so they know Not that they know more than doctors, but it's just Sometimes they do. Well, it's good to share with each other and talk about. You guys all have the same, some of you have the same symptoms. So, anyway, a week from today, it's going to be pretty awesome. Well, definitely you'll hear about it. Curry will have his little selfie stick now, which, now that I say that, okay, I don't know what to do with it.
Speaker 2:I'm leaving tomorrow to start my drive to Caney from Philadelphia area and if you saw, you busted on me on Facebook, because last time I went to visit him, it took us 12 days, even though we went from New Orleans to Rio Medina, texas. But that was, and if you've been listening, you know that we were in my RV and Jim couldn't handle more than an hour and a half to two hours of the noise, and Jim couldn't handle more than an hour and a half to two hours of the noise. But this time we're going to take our time and we're going to do sightseeing and see some people along the way that are in our groups. So I'll wind up at your doorstep on Thursday. That'll work, that'll work, but anyway, we just wanted to give everybody a quick update on where things are and welcome back to season four of yeah, thank you all again for hanging with us.
Speaker 2:Yep, yeah, I think everybody understands. Especially, you post. Everybody knows what's going on with you because you always post about it, which is the main reason that I reached out to you to begin with, because of how open and honest you are in sharing what's going on with you.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:You know, people really do appreciate that.
Speaker 1:Okay, folks, that's all we have time for this week. Remember, you can email us with suggestions on what you would like us to discuss on a future episode, or you can ask any questions you have. We'll sure try to do like us to discuss on a future episode, or you can ask any questions you have. We'll sure try to do our best to get you the best answer, and I want to thank you again for being with us and I'm looking forward to meeting everyone next Saturday.
Speaker 2:Yep, yep, hopefully next year there'll be more people. Yeah, although 50 is good, I think it is. You know what I mean. It's just small enough. Big enough, yet small enough, you know that people can.
Speaker 2:It won't be. It's not like 300 people kind of thing, right, so we're happy with that number. Anyway, remember that Curry usually posts the link of the podcast and both the Lewy Body Roller Coaster podcast and sorry I lost my place and our Journey with Lewy Body page and if you're interested in helping as a volunteer or an advocate, please send us an email at lewybodyrollercoaster at gmailcom, because the more people who reach out, the more people we can help.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and if you want to learn how you can be a supporter of the podcast, you see the episode notes as we post the information on that there.
Speaker 2:Okay, folks, thanks again for joining us this week yep, and keep listening, keep sharing, because this season I want to. I want to hit the hundred thousand download mark, yeah, which I think we'll be able to do in the next 10 months, until next next week. This is Linda.
Speaker 1:And Curry signing off.