Lewy Body Roller Coaster

Facing the Wind

August 29, 2023 Season 4 Episode 7
Facing the Wind
Lewy Body Roller Coaster
More Info
Lewy Body Roller Coaster
Facing the Wind
Aug 29, 2023 Season 4 Episode 7

We are back after a much needed break to handle many personal issues. Thank you all for your continued patience. Just as LBD is a roller coaster ride, so has been our lives been the last few months.

A big shout out to all of our supporters. We couldn't do all this without your help and support. xo

This episode, we do a quick recap of how this all got started..the podcast, our 5 support groups, 2 Facebook support pages and now  a LBD awareness documentary.

We share with you all what we have been involved in over the past year or so that many of you may not be aware of.  We have been working with a film crew on  a documentary about those with LBD and their caregivers. Since that the film is close to completion, we thought now is the perfect time to share more details with y'all.

Welcome this week,  the producer and director of the documentary we have been working on titled  Facing the Wind. -Tony Heriza and Diedre Fishel.
The four of us share more details about the film and what it was like to be a part of this project.

Please consider watching the documentary trailer ( link below) and clink on the donate button  to help get the film completion over the finish line. No amount is too small.
Go to: Facingthewindfilm.com or click on link below.


We are doing this for all of us and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Should you wish to bless us with your support for the podcast, you can  use links below.

Copy and paste link, if needed
the GoFundMe page at
Thank you for listening. 
Don't forget to join our Lewy Body Roller Coaster Podcast Facebook page.
If you have a topic you would like us to discuss or wish to share your thoughts on any episode, please email us at lewybodyrollercoaster@gmail.com 

Support the show

Show Notes

We are back after a much needed break to handle many personal issues. Thank you all for your continued patience. Just as LBD is a roller coaster ride, so has been our lives been the last few months.

A big shout out to all of our supporters. We couldn't do all this without your help and support. xo

This episode, we do a quick recap of how this all got started..the podcast, our 5 support groups, 2 Facebook support pages and now  a LBD awareness documentary.

We share with you all what we have been involved in over the past year or so that many of you may not be aware of.  We have been working with a film crew on  a documentary about those with LBD and their caregivers. Since that the film is close to completion, we thought now is the perfect time to share more details with y'all.

Welcome this week,  the producer and director of the documentary we have been working on titled  Facing the Wind. -Tony Heriza and Diedre Fishel.
The four of us share more details about the film and what it was like to be a part of this project.

Please consider watching the documentary trailer ( link below) and clink on the donate button  to help get the film completion over the finish line. No amount is too small.
Go to: Facingthewindfilm.com or click on link below.


We are doing this for all of us and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Should you wish to bless us with your support for the podcast, you can  use links below.

Copy and paste link, if needed
the GoFundMe page at
Thank you for listening. 
Don't forget to join our Lewy Body Roller Coaster Podcast Facebook page.
If you have a topic you would like us to discuss or wish to share your thoughts on any episode, please email us at lewybodyrollercoaster@gmail.com 

Support the show